Omega-3 fatty acids are a vital building block for good health.

Since the human body can’t naturally produce these valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids on its own, it relies on foods that are rich in omega-3s to reap some of the many health benefits, such as:

  • Improved heart health and reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke
  • Decreased inflammation and reduced joint pain and stiffness
  • Better brain function, memory, and cognitive ability
  • Stronger bones and reduced risk of Osteoporosis 
  • Protection from certain cancers and cancer cell growth


Our Omega Blend capsules are sourced from plants and algae which makes them a better alternative to fish oil capsules.

Omega-3’s: Oily fish are often considered the best source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These fish provide so much omega-3 because they mainly feed on algae. This is why we “skipped the middle fish” and went straight to algae, the true source of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, for our capsules. 

Omegas 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9: We’ve rounded out our blend with additional omega fatty acids from sources such as pomegranate seeds, sea buckthorn berries, raspberry seeds, tomato seeds and safflower seeds. These plant ingredients provide other fatty acids such as omegas 5, 6, 7 and 9, as well as other omega-3 fatty acids such as ALA.

What makes our Omega Blend different?

Most omega products contain a single omega ingredient, usually omega-3 and usually from fish oil.  Juice Plus+ Omega Blend is a blend of 5 omega fatty acids, all from plants.

Most omega products come in softgel form, which requires heat and oxygen to fill and seal.  Heat and oxygen actually cause oils to start degrading.  Our vegan capsule shell is sealed without heat, protecting the oils inside.  And that bubble you see in each Omega Blend capsule?  That's nitrogen, which replaces the oxygen, protecting the oils from degradation again.

So, by harvesting omegas from the original algae source, cold-pressing oils from berries and seeds to maintain purity, and placing them inside a capsule made from plants, eliminating heat and oxygen along the way, we are able to bring you a symphony of omega fatty acids in a clean, vegan, eco-friendly way.

Supports brain function*: DHA contributes to maintenance of normal brain function.

Supports vision*: DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision.

Supports heart health*: EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart.

